Sesión 12 – Procesamiento de señales
SABI2020 |
Sesión 12 – Procesamiento de señales Moderadores: Leandro Cymberknop y Pablo Musé Jueves 5 de marzo, de 10:15 a 12:00 – La Fontana |
Trabajos aceptados: 16 |
Presentaciones orales
Horario de presentación | N° | Titulo | Autores |
10:15 – 10:30 | 101 | Functional networks for processing complex images: Towards a better understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics of pleasant and unpleasant emotions | Fernando Daniel Farfán, María Dolores Grima-Murcia, Vicente Caruana, María J Ortiz, M.A. Lopez-Gordo, Angela Bernabeu-Araoz, José M. Ferrandez and Eduardo Fernandez |
10:33 – 10:48 | 70 | Wavelets and SVM analysis applied to signals responsive to auditory and visual stimulus captured by EEG in students with ADHD | Marilda Spindola, Rogério Gabriel and Marcello Chiaramonte |
10:51 – 11:06 | 73 | A preliminary study of the music and bioengineering: Towards the generation of melodies through synergistic patterns of the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm | Paula A Feldman, Milagros Pidutti, Álvaro G. Pizá, Myriam C. Herrera and Fernando D. Farfán |
11:09 – 11:24 | 113 | Neural network approach for detection of changes in arterial blood pressure using photoplethysmography signals | Noelia Inés Echeverria, Adriana Gabriela Scandurra, Gerardo Tusman, Estefany Gabriela Cujano Ayala and Lucía Isabel Passoni |
11:27 – 11:42 | 116 | Temporal and spectral characterization of EMG signals in a model of Parkinson’s disease in rats | Ana L. Albarracin, Fernando D. Farfán, Pablo Y. Teruya, Alvaro G. Pizá, Jorge H. Soletta and Facundo A. Lucianna |
11:45 – 12:00 | 17 | Association Rules applied to the detection of the subthalamic nucleus for DBS surgery in patients with Parkinson’s disease | Melisa Fernández, Marisa Battisti, Alfredo Rosado Muñoz and Luciano Schiaffino |
N° | Titulo | Autores |
24 | Wearable Technology: Wearable Device as a Nursing Support Decision Making | Fernanda Diniz Flores, Marta Rosecler Bez, Blanda Helena De Mello and Claudio Felipe Kolling Da Rocha |
32 | Driver fatigue EEG signals detection by using robust univariate analysis | Antonio Quintero-Rincon, María Eugenia Fontecha and Carlos D’Giano |
71 | Evaluación de estacionariedad en señales electromiográficas dinámicas | Gabriel Ruiz, Álvaro Pizá and Fernando Farfán |
84 | Poincaré plot parameters analysis in studies of ultra short RR series | Jose Gallardo, Giannina Bellone, Daniel Vigo, Rubén Acevedo and Marcelo Risk |
115 | Distinguishing between resting and anticipatory states in the EEG of healthy subjects | Roy Tzur, Michel Kohn and Marcelo David |
118 | Improving Feature Selection in Riemannian Tangent Space: a New Approach for MI-BCI Detection | Catalina María Galván, Hugo Sacha Uriel Hernández, Ruben Darío Spies and Victoria Peterson |
144 | Refractory Epilepsy Treatment Devices: a Review | Natalia Garay Badenian, Franco Simini and Humberto Prinzo |
152 | Adaptive neuro-fuzzy as a closed-loop model for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease | Gabriel Martín Bellino and Luciano Schiaffino |
196 | Brainstem Electric Response Audiometry in a Normal Population | Natalia Garay Badenian, María Sol Fassani, María De Los Ángeles Pagés, Jochen Hackembruch and Franco Simini |
224 | Comparing Reading Formats based on Electroencephalographic (EEG) Signals | Luis Alberto Galarza Aguilar, Klever Mauricio Tepan Quilli and Ana Cecilia Villa Parra |
Visits: 517