Instrucciones para la presentación de Póster
Lugar: Parrilla (Fontana) Horario armado de pósters: 8:00 a 9:00 Horario de presentación: 9:25 a 18:00 Horario retiro de pósters: 18:00 a 20:00 |
Número Soporte Póster | Id EasyChair | Autores | Sesión | Título |
1 | 18 | Eduardo Filomena, Sebastián Antonio Mateos and Carolina Beatriz Tabernig | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Embedded brain computer interface based on motor imagery: preliminary results |
2 | 22 | Eduardo Guilherme Albrecht, William da Rosa Fröhlich, Marta Rosecler Bez and Valentina Tabares-Morales | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Construção e Validação de um Controlador de Higienização das Mãos |
3 | 30 | Matías Javier Oliva, Pablo Andres García and Enrique Mario Spinelli | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | A System on Chip based electroencephalogram acquisition system |
4 | 34 | Leonardo Casal and Alejandro Mazzadi | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Control design for the introduction of high frequency vibrations in the volume-compensation method |
5 | 36 | Antonio Quintero-Rincon, Mariana Fialá, Luciana Mariam Vartabedian, Matias Zazzali, Melanie Victoria Adler and Constanza Martini | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Hand bone conduction sound study by using the DSP Logger MX 300 |
6 | 40 | Federico Guerrero, Rocio Madou, Valentin Catacora, Marcelo Haberman, Pablo Garcia, Alejandro Veiga and Enrique Spinelli | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | WIMUMO Project: a wearable open device for physiological signals acquisition |
7 | 97 | Maximiliano Castro Miranda, Silvia Mónica Gutierrez, Eugenia Ipar, Leandro Javier Cymberknop and Ricardo Armentano | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Dispositivo Para la Evaluación de la Reactividad Vascular Latido a Latido Basado en Pletismografía: Estudio Piloto |
8 | 104 | Juan Ignacio Medved, Javier Carugno, Leandro Javier Cymberknop and Ricardo Luis Armentano | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Plataforma Integral de Medición y Evaluación de Parámetros Fisiológicos Aplicada al Cuidado de Individuos en el Hogar |
9 | 122 | Gianfranco Bianchi, Lucia Ameghino, Marcela Tela, Cinthia Terroba, Malco Rossi, Marcelo Merello and Daniela S. Andres | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | New tools for quantitative diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease based on scale invariance of acceleration signals |
10 | 123 | Carlos Enrique Olmos, Carlos Augusto Centeno and Federico Linares | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Infusion System of Active Substances with feedback |
11 | 132 | Carolina Guinart Boguslawski, Joaquin Burgan, Cintia Gimenez, Jorge Garbino, Sonia Benitez and Daniel Luna | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Prototype for Digitization of Fetal Monitoring, Integrable with Electronic Medical Records |
12 | 155 | Federico Gustavo Mercado, Diego Aldo Bustos, María Elisa Pérez Berenguer and Natalia Martina López Celani | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Dispositivo para evaluación en cirugía neurofuncional en pacientes con EP |
13 | 163 | Mayra Angélica Tovar Martínez and Solange Ivette Rivera Manrique | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Mobile application for remote patient monitoring |
14 | 222 | Emanuel Tello, Alejandro Rodrigo, Fernando Jorge Muñoz Zapata, Elisa Perez and Lopez Natalia | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Description of Motor Strategies by comparative analysis of body segments |
15 | 238 | Sofía Jasón, Natalia Lopez and Ricardo Berjano | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | PROCESAMIENTO DE SEÑALES DE MICROREGISTRO CEREBRAL EN TARGETS NEUROFUNCIONALES |
16 | 49 | Valentín Andrés Catacora, Federico Nicolás Guerrero, Marcelo Alejandro Haberman and Enrique Mario Spinelli | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Electromyography sensor for wearable multi-channel platform |
17 | 60 | Jorge Soletta, Alvaro Piza, Facundo Lucianna, Leonardo Cano, Fernando Farfán and Ana Albarracín | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Temporal dynamic in theselectivity to motion direction in V1 neurons |
18 | 85 | Germán Fierro, Ricardo Armentano and Fernando Silveira | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Wearable Estimation of Central Aortic Blood Pressure: Feasibility Study. |
19 | 93 | Marcelo Guzmán, Melina Nisenbaum, Estefany Cujano Ayala, Marcelo Trivi, Silvia Murialdo and Lucía Isabel Passoni | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Aplicación de Speckle Láser Dinámico para el monitoreo microbiológico de muestras de agua |
20 | 206 | Diego Vega, Pablo Reyes, Sebastián Lobos and Alejandro Weinstein | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Bed presence detection of an older adult using an accelerometer |
21 | 216 | Yanina Etel Puertas and Rossana Elena Madrid | Equipamientos, instrumentación, sensores y medidas | Optimization of different methods and strategies for the regeneration of an electrochemical immunosensor |
23 | 145 | María Del Rosario Toffoli González, Aldan I. Roberts Gonzalez, Roberto Sánchez Amador, Carolina B. Tabernig and Rubén C. Acevedo | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Detection of ERD in EEG-based brain computer interfaces using wavelet transform and empirical modal decomposition |
24 | 146 | Facundo Urteaga, Cielo Godoy, Yanina Atum, Ricardo Rettore, José Biurrun Manresa and Christian Mista | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Can the Wii Balance Board be used for rehabilitation assessment and scientific purposes? |
25 | 158 | Melina Belén Zapata, Juan Beret, Natalia Suarez, Mathias Rosas and Leonardo Nicola Siri | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Customized assistive devices for students with neuromuscular disabilities produced with 3D printing technologies |
26 | 86 | Carolina Tabernig, Cecilia Molina and Sergio Escobar | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Wireless Functional Electrical Stimulator for Foot Drop: design and preliminary results |
27 | 100 | Ailín Andrea Fátima Ibazeta, Juan Carlos Iturrieta, Cintia Belen Páez, Alejandro Rodrigo and Elisa Perez | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Development of the RECOGNIKEY platform and evaluation of the throughput Tp, based on the Fitts law |
28 | 127 | Diego Antonio Beltramone, Marcela Fabiana Rivarola, Marisa Saino, Victoria Ballarino, Cecilia Testa and Sofía Perotti | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Practical application of the ICF as an integral and interdisciplinary method for functional evaluation of people with disabilities |
29 | 209 | Isabel Morales and Franco Simini | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | Physical Magnitudes Measurements for the Design of Diabetic Foot Lesion Detectors: a Review |
30 | 218 | Jhosue A. Juarez, Ricardo Palomares and José Cornejo | Ingeniería en rehabilitación | iTakuna: Smart Embedded System for Electric Wheelchair used by Paraplegic Patients in Peru |
31 | 38 | Andres Cavero | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | Development of a Digital Image Processing Software for the Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy |
32 | 50 | Diego Sebastián Comas, Gustavo Meschino, Virginia Ballarin, Jerónimo Aguilera Diaz, Carlos Guido Musso, Héctor Rivera, Fernando Plazzotta, Luis Algranati and Daniel Luna | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | Early detection of peritoneal dialysis complications through convolutional neural networks |
33 | 65 | Juan Francisco Balbi, Federico Bua, Leandro Cymberknop and Ricardo Armentano | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | Evaluación de la Dinámica del Espesor Íntima Media Arterial Ante una Hiperemia Reactiva Post Isquemia |
34 | 90 | Mailen Gonzalez, Leandro Gilhaus, José María Massa, Eduardo Caselli and Nicolas de Martino | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | Texture Methods for Trabecular Bone Characterization in DXA Images |
35 | 189 | Susana Cristina Guevara Cruz, Juan Ignacio Pastore and Virginia Ballarin | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | DISEÑO AUTOMÁTICO DE W-OPERADORES COLOR PARA LA SEGMENTACIÓN DE GLÓBULOS BLANCOS EN IMÁGENES DE LEUCEMIA LINFOBLÁSTICA AGUDA |
36 | 215 | Rocio Rodriguez Scarso and JesÚs RubÉn Azor Montoya | Procesamientso de imágenes biomédicas | Tissue Classification by the Fractal Feature of the Mammographic Image |
37 | 24 | Fernanda Diniz Flores, Marta Rosecler Bez, Blanda Helena De Mello and Claudio Felipe Kolling Da Rocha | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Wearable Technology: Wearable Device as a Nursing Support Decision Making |
38 | 32 | Antonio Quintero-Rincon, María Eugenia Fontecha and Carlos D’Giano | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Driver fatigue EEG signals detection by using robust univariate analysis |
39 | 71 | Gabriel Ruiz, Álvaro Pizá and Fernando Farfán | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Evaluación de estacionariedad en señales electromiográficas dinámicas |
40 | 84 | Jose Gallardo, Giannina Bellone, Daniel Vigo, Rubén Acevedo and Marcelo Risk | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Poincaré plot parameters analysis in studies of ultra short RR series |
41 | 115 | Roy Tzur, Michel Kohn and Marcelo David | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Distinguishing between resting and anticipatory states in the EEG of healthy subjects |
42 | 118 | Catalina María Galván, Hugo Sacha Uriel Hernández, Ruben Darío Spies and Victoria Peterson | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Improving Feature Selection in Riemannian Tangent Space: a New Approach for MI-BCI Detection |
43 | 144 | Natalia Garay Badenian, Franco Simini and Humberto Prinzo | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Refractory Epilepsy Treatment Devices: a Review |
44 | 152 | Gabriel Martín Bellino and Luciano Schiaffino | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Adaptive neuro-fuzzy as a closed-loop model for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease |
45 | 196 | Natalia Garay Badenian, María Sol Fassani, María De Los Ángeles Pagés, Jochen Hackembruch and Franco Simini | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Brainstem Electric Response Audiometry in a Normal Population |
46 | 224 | Luis Alberto Galarza Aguilar, Klever Mauricio Tepan Quilli and Ana Cecilia Villa Parra | Procesamiento de señales biomédicas | Comparing Reading Formats based on Electroencephalographic (EEG) Signals |
47 | 15 | Alicia Schandy and Franco Simini | SABI Estudiantil | Mobile phone radiation and brain cancer at the dawn of the 5G era |
48 | 43 | N. Hiram Castro-Orozco, Fernanda Piña-Quintero and Martha Ortiz-Posadas | SABI Estudiantil | Identification of new medical equipment acquisition needs. A case study: Urinary tract malformations |
49 | 48 | Alejandro Agustín Alvarez, Sergio Dario Maciel, Ignacio Ariel Perez, Brian Ariel Rigoni and Antonio Dell’Osa | SABI Estudiantil | Low cost Bioimpedance Applications: a solution to the .csv files problem for the AD5933EB |
50 | 53 | Damian Deza, Federico Guilenea, Ariel Pascaner, Mariano Casciaro and Damian Craiem | SABI Estudiantil | Pulse Wave Velocity Calculation in an Elastic U-Shaped Tube Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) |
51 | 57 | Paula Nanni, Martín Zamora, Carla Goy, Rossana Madrid, Carmelo Felice and Gabriel Ruiz | SABI Estudiantil | A new method for optimizing polarization point in electrochemical impedance based measurements |
52 | 63 | Maria Paula Bonaccorso Marinelli, Franco Emiliano Nieto Grimalt and Cabrera Ricardo | SABI Estudiantil | Software development and implementation for swimming activity analysis in an animal model of hemiparkinsonism |
53 | 64 | Agustina María Claudia Thibaud Poretti, Mariano Ezequiel Casciaro, Ignacio Lugones, Hyon Ju Choe and Damian Craiem | SABI Estudiantil | Semiautomatic tool for segmentation of hearts with congenital pathologies |
55 | 91 | Carmelo Jose Felice, Martin Zamora, Anna Leticia Soares, Matías Trujillo, Gabriel Ruiz and Rossana Madrid | SABI Estudiantil | Catechol detection by using admittance measurements |
56 | 96 | Gerardo Luis Padilla, Jorge Soletta and Fernando Daniel Farfán | SABI Estudiantil | Steady state visually evoked potential: Cortical frequency response in healthy subjects |
57 | 105 | John Alejandro Hernández Mora, Oscar Rojas and Laura Perdomo | SABI Estudiantil | Methodology of an interdisciplinary approach for introducing students to bioengineering |
58 | 106 | Agustin Nahuel Quiroga Baigorri, María Silvina Moyano, Gabriel Quintero and Pablo Yoshin Teruya | SABI Estudiantil | Indication of cocaine consumption based on cardiac and thermal measurements |
59 | 111 | Valeria Itrat Herrera, Maria Agustina Amilibia, Carlos Oldani, Alfredo Corominas and Victor H. Defago | SABI Estudiantil | 3D Printing of Tracheal Implant using Hydroxyapatite and Polycaprolactone |
60 | 114 | Milagros Ariadna Belén Cortez, Ivo David Placereano Ferrucci and Mathe Ladislao | SABI Estudiantil | Diseño e implementación de un prototipo de simulador virtual para el entrenamiento en cirugía laparoscópica |
61 | 125 | Lorenzo Tell, Gabriel Sosa and Maria Tolaba | SABI Estudiantil | Sonoro: Device for stimulated rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy |
62 | 130 | Luis Jose Batta Salguero and Eugenio Antonio López Azuaje | SABI Estudiantil | Numerical theorical model epidemics with stochastic parameters |
63 | 136 | Valeria Corsale, Antonio Dell’Osa, Alberto Concu and Fernanda Velluzzi | SABI Estudiantil | EIS: A simple and accurate method for indirect measurement of anthropometric variables of obese patients |
64 | 143 | Wagner Mauricio Obando Rosero and Graciela Salum | SABI Estudiantil | Primeros cálculos para tratamiento de Psoriasis usando radiación UVB solar |
65 | 156 | Natalia Suárez Bell | SABI Estudiantil | Cost reduction in medical care with the incorporation of 3D printing technologies |
66 | 159 | Frida Paola Piña Orlaineta, Adrián Arroyo Gutiérrez and Ana Teresa Alfaro Arteaga | SABI Estudiantil | Mask for measuring bruxism in a non-invasive way |
67 | 166 | Lizbeth Mejía Gómez, Maricruz Rodríguez Martínez, Diana Deneb Sánchez Salas, Federico Aguayo Ríos and Solange Ivette Rivera Manrique | SABI Estudiantil | Software development for obtaining facial biotype in students of the biomedical engineering degree at the University of La Salle Bajio through soft tissue analysis |
68 | 176 | Pablo Gabriel Gonzalez and Santiago Lana | SABI Estudiantil | Gestual medical Image controller in the operating room |
69 | 185 | Maicol Peterson Gandolphi de Almeida, Giovanni Gueler Dalvi, Pedro Bertemes and Ricardo Cavalieri | SABI Estudiantil | Recognition Ultrasound Systems for assisting Blind People |
70 | 212 | Maria Isabel Botero Henao, Juan Gonzalo Zuluaga Botero and Carolina Sierra Restrepo | SABI Estudiantil | Herramientas computacionales para mejorar los procesos entre proveedores y entidades de salud |
71 | 214 | Carolina Villegas Colmán and Cynthia Villalba | SABI Estudiantil | Systematic Mapping of Hypertension Monitoring Systems |
Visits: 597