Bringing industry, politics, business and science together in a global world: the European case

Violeta Bulc is Informatics B.Sc of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, M.Sc. Golden Gate University, San Francisco, California, USA. WAN specialist Dhl Systems, USA. Area Manager and Director of Telekom Slovenia before been appointed Vice President of telecommunications provider Telemach and later founding Vibacom Ltd to help create Sustainable Strategies and Innovation Ecosystems, Violeta is European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport since 2014, being at that time Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Responsible for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion, Government of Slovenia. The capacity of Violeta to amalgamate motivations towards collective goals is well known internationally.

Professional Training in Clinical Engineering and Quality Certification of Health Services in Latin America

Saide Jorge Calilin graduated on Electrical Engineering, MSc and PhD on Biomedical Engineering by the University of London. Retired as full professor from the University of Campinas – UNICAMP, Saide coordinates a training course on Clinical Engineering at UNICAMP. Saide is part of the editorial team of the Global Clinical Engineering Journal and invited member of the Clinical Engineering Division of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering-CED/IFMBE. Saide, former chairman of CED/IFMBE (2012-2015) and elected CED board member, he is one of the developers and founders of Clinical Engineering training courses of the Brazilian Clinical Engineering Association (ABECLin). Organizer of the II International Clinical Engineering and Heath Technology Management Congress (II ICEHTMC) in São Paulo/Brazil, Saide worked as consultant for several Brazilian government organizations as well as for the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

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