Instrucciones para la presentación de Póster
Lugar: Parrilla (Fontana) Horario armado de pósters: 8:00 a 9:00 Horario de presentación: 9:25 a 18:00 Horario retiro de pósters: 18:00 a 20:00 |
Número Soporte Póster | Id EasyChair | Autores | Sesión | Título |
1 | 62 | Eduardo Nieva and Nancy Salvatierra | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Chemical, biological and anatomical characterization of an extracellular matrix obtained from rabbit heart |
2 | 137 | Julio Flores, Raul Rosales and Monica Carrillo | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Culture, isolation and identification of dental pulp stem cells: A regenerative medicine alternative. |
3 | 151 | Mikaela Pantoja Rocabado | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Biofilm of Tilapia skin for burn treatment |
4 | 161 | Hugo Adrian Cisneros Guajardo, Solange Ivette Rivera Manrique and Alfredo Benítez Lara | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | The influence of pH on the Hydroxyapatite synthesized by precipitation method. |
5 | 165 | Gabriela Rodriguez, María Lourdes Delgado Gonzalez, Silvia Kozuzsko, Juan Carlos Valdez and Andrea Paola Rodriguez | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Synthetic polymeric scaffolds design and fabrication for wound healing treatment |
6 | 187 | Henry Losada, Edison Gonçalves, José Luis Valin, Mori Matsuyoshi and Luis Ide | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Analysis of the influence of loads on the bone-implant supported dental implant system: a non-linear finite element analysis |
7 | 171 | Martín Miguez, Manuel Garcia Sabarots, Mariana Cid, Nancy Salvatierra and Romina Comín | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Fabrication and Characterization of Gel /CaP Electrospun Composite Scaffold for BoneTissue Engeenering |
8 | 220 | Andreína Tesis, Lucía Lemes and Ricardo Armentano | Biomateriales e ingeniería de tejidos | Estudio de la dependencia frecuencial del módulo de Young en tubos y arteria utilizando un Sistema Biodinámico de Electrofuerza. |
9 | 4 | Leonardo Lagos, Francisco Guede and Adolfo Soto | Biomecánica | Influence of the gallop speed in kinetic and kinematic variables measured with an inertial measurement unit. |
10 | 20 | Duilio Deangeli, Juan Cruz Gassó Loncan and Marco Lopez Ibarra | Biomecánica | Automatic tissue segmentation of lower limb MRI using autoencoders |
11 | 47 | Santiago Salvadores Martínez and Ariel Andrés Antonio Braidot | Biomecánica | Method to detect muscle fatigue using hand tools in the pruning of fruit trees. |
12 | 98 | Renata Bona, Andreina Ruiz, Agustina Falero, Germán Pequera and Artur Bonezi | Biomecánica | SHOULDER BIOMECHANICS OF CHILDREN’S SWIMMING ATHLETES |
13 | 135 | Lucia Lemes Coitinho, Mariano Parodi, Germán Pequera and Carlo M. Biancardi | Biomecánica | External work computation from motion capture and accelerometer |
14 | 142 | Maria Rene Ledezma, Dario Santos, Ariel Braidot and Franco Simini | Biomecánica | PUNTOSUR Knee Skin Markers Validation by Simultaneous 3D Multimodal Videos during a Motor Task |
15 | 203 | Dario Santos, Andrea Mattiozzi, Isabel Morales and Franco Simini | Biomecánica | Hamstring Asymmetric Maximum Force Assessment with DINABANG |
16 | 217 | Silvia E. Rodrigo and Carina V. Herrera | Biomecánica | An example of skills development on injury biomechanics at Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering careers |
17 | 223 | Ricardo Armentano | Biomecánica | Biomecánica y Mecanobiología orientada a la Ingeniería Tisular en un abordaje intensivo y virtual |
18 | 226 | Rosa Itzel Flores Luna, Ruben Valenzuela Montes, Francisco Cuenca JimÉnez and Jorge Pablo Gómez Sánchez | Biomecánica | A Six Bar Link Kinematic Analysis for a Semi Active Hand Orthosis |
19 | 230 | Fernando Jorge Muñoz Zapata and Natalia M. López | Biomecánica | Evaluation of muscle synergies from hand and wrist emg signals through causal analysis. |
20 | 242 | Artur Bonezi, Mateo Rodrigues, Carlo Biancardi and Renata Bona | Biomecánica | Electromyographic economy during running |
21 | 124 | Mariela Azul Gonzalez, Gonzalo R. Fontanella and Lucía I. Passoni | Educación | Acquisition and processing of respiratory signals for Bioengineering Education |
22 | 153 | Agustín Albero, Manuel Cuevas, Yoselie Garro Alemany, Florencia Herman, Santiago Helmich, Marcella Loureiro, Máximo Rousseau, Leandro Javier Cymberknop and Ricardo Armentano | Educación | Valoración Cardiovascular en Jóvenes Ingresantes al Ciclo Universitario de Ingeniería: Acciones Sistematizadas Enfocadas a la Concientización y Prevención |
23 | 182 | Alex Tu, Pilar Ananía and Megan Ann Torlaschi | Educación | Non-Invasive Arterial BP Estimation Using PPG Signals And Articial Neural Networks |
24 | 200 | Grazzia Rey, Sofía Barreiro, Cecilia Larroca, Carolina Zubelso, Leandro Fernández, Javier Ferreiro and Franco Simini | Educación | AEGO – Serious Game and Multimedia Ob&Gy Teaching Assistant |
25 | 83 | Yeimy Liseth Quintana Villamizar and Lina Mayerly Cruz Parra | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | Feasibility Study for the Remanufacturing and Reconditioning of Biomedical Equipment in Colombia |
26 | 128 | Agustín Sebastián Carlevaro, Jorge Emilio Monzón, Álvaro Monzón Wyngaard, Patricio Monzón Battilana and María Inés Pisarello | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | Legal regulation for medically assisted reproduction in Argentina |
27 | 179 | Augusto Gabriel Popp and Gabriel Leandro Lepera | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | Most frequently used sterilization methods in initial registration of imported sterile medical devices class I-II, first semester 2018. |
28 | 211 | Débora Buendia Palacios, Makarena Lemus and Norberto Acuña | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | BACTERICIDAL EFFECT OF OZONE ON ESCHERICHIA-COLI IN HOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT |
29 | 236 | Edgardo Diaz, Federico Paschetta and Pedro Escobar | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | Procedimiento cualitativo para la medición de permeabilidad de radiaciones ionizantes en Elementos de Protección Personal |
30 | 237 | Marcelo Almada and Ronald Del Aguila | Ingeniería clínica y gestión de tecnología médica | USO DE LA TERMOGRAFIA INFRARROJA EN SALUD |
31 | 27 | Wesllei Heckler and Juliano Varella De Carvalho | Informática Médica | Patient Abandonment Prediction Tool in a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Project |
32 | 103 | Ezequiel Aparicio, Maximiliano Odstrcil, Pablo Solarz, Alberto Salas and Viviana Inés Rotger | Informática Médica | Integrating PACS into EHR by Web Services |
33 | 121 | Camila B. Reinaldo, Gianfranco Bianchi, Miguel Wilken and Daniela S. Andres | Informática Médica | PROTOCOLO DE REGISTRO Y BASE DE DATOS DE SEÑALES DE ACELEROMETRÍA PARA DIAGNÓSTICO CUANTITATIVO DE ENFERMEDAD DE PARKINSON |
34 | 147 | Rodrigo Olivares Ordenes, Gabriela Silvera, Pablo Alvarez-Rocha, Gabriela Ormaechea, Carla Taramasco and Franco Simini | Informática Médica | High-Level Language to Specify an Adaptive Heart Failure Follow up Strategy |
35 | 225 | Thafarel Camargo Lobo, Giovani Nícolas Bettoni, Filipe Santana da Silva, Rita Catalina Aquino Caregnato and Cecília Dias Flores | Informática Médica | Enabling communication among EHR systems with microsservices and HL7 FHIR |
36 | 202 | Grazzia Rey, Manuel Alzugaray, Sergio Vico, Cristian Vega and Franco Simini | Informática Médica | SEPEPE: Pregnancy Follow-up Prescription App |
37 | 7 | Ramiro Miguel Irastorza, Ana González Suárez and Enrique Berjano | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Analysis of electrical current distribution in the thorax during radiofrequency cardiac ablation: Preliminary results from a 2D computer model |
38 | 131 | Maria Cecilia Argibay, Mauricio Brunner, Joaquin Burgan, Jorge Garbino, Sonia Benitez and Daniel Luna | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Design of a Real-time Biosignal Collection andStorage System |
39 | 160 | Paulina Bernal and Solange Rivera | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Program for measuring the thermal effects of Cardiac Catheter Crioablation Therapy in Pulmonary Veins |
40 | 227 | José Oscar Angelini | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Using Model Driven Engineering approach to Model and Simulate the resistant structure of a heart valve made In Vitro |
41 | 231 | Moritz Scharff, Facundo Adrián Lucianna, Alvaro Gabriel Piza, Ana Lía Albarracín, Jorge Alencastre Miranda and Fernando Daniel Farfan | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Mechanical model of the active scanning process in the rat vibrissal system |
42 | 186 | Diego Mauro Pojmaevich, Agustín Tomás Brunazzo, Agustina Giuliodori, Alejandro Anibal Dominguez and Juan Pablo Gigli | Modelos y simulación de sistemas biomédicos | Functional characterization of an artificial urinary sphincter using finite elements method – In vivo study |
43 | 44 | Rosa María Weisz and Emilce Preisz | Educación | Results and new challenges in the training process of Clinical Engineering Specialists |
Visits: 584