Sesión 10 – Modelos y simulaciones

Sesión 10 – Modelos y simulaciones
Moderador: Fernando Farfán
Jueves 5 de marzo, de 15:00 a 16:45 – Salón Dorado
Trabajos aceptados: 12

Presentaciones orales

Horario de presentaciónTituloAutores
15:00 – 15:1525Model for Bayesian Networks Conversion from Summary-Based Health OntologiesDiego Pinheiro, Sandro Rigo, Marta Rosecler Bez and Blanda Mello
15:18 – 15:3392Estimación de la Presión Sistólica Central: Selección de predictores y comparación de modelos de aprendizaje estadísticoNicolas Ariel Aguirre, Leandro Javier Cymberknop, Edith Grall and Ricardo Luis Armentano
15:36 – 15:51190Modeling the electrical activity in myelinated nerve fibers: Towards the electrophysiological validation of neuronal bridgesNilda Maria De Marco, Maria Cecilia Socci, Carla Belen Goy, Ana Lía Albarracín, Carmelo Jose Felice and Fernando Daniel Farfan
15:54 – 16:09148MIMO system transfer functions in the study of cardiac dynamicsCarlos Alvarez Picaza
16:12 – 16:27167Tumor Growth Simulation in Breast Cancer Described by Ordinary Differential Equations Interpreted by SERVOGLUMaria Velasco Pineda and Solange Ivette Rivera Manrique
16:30 – 16:45117Serious Games for Daily Activities, Remot: AVDEmanuel Tello, Daniela Pedrozo, Adrián Rodríguez, Alejandro Rodrigo and Elisa Perez


7Analysis of electrical current distribution in the thorax during radiofrequency cardiac ablation: Preliminary results from a 2D computer modelRamiro Miguel Irastorza, Ana González Suárez and Enrique Berjano
131Design of a Real-time Biosignal Collection andStorage SystemMaria Cecilia Argibay, Mauricio Brunner, Joaquin Burgan, Jorge Garbino, Sonia Benitez and Daniel Luna
160Program for measuring the thermal effects of Cardiac Catheter Crioablation Therapy in Pulmonary VeinsPaulina Bernal and Solange Rivera
186Functional characterization of an artificial urinary sphincter using finite elements method – In vivo studyDiego Mauro Pojmaevich, Agustín Tomás Brunazzo, Agustina Giuliodori, Alejandro Anibal Dominguez and Juan Pablo Gigli
227Using Model Driven Engineering approach to Model and Simulate the resistant structure of a heart valve made In VitroAngelini José, Romagnoli Javier, Juarez Emanuel, Tomas Molas Gimenez and Milagros Gutierrez 
231Mechanical model of the active scanning process in the rat vibrissal systemMoritz Scharff, Facundo Adrián Lucianna, Alvaro Gabriel Piza, Ana Lía Albarracín, Jorge Alencastre Miranda and Fernando Daniel Farfan
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