Sesión 12 – Procesamiento de señales

Sesión 12 – Procesamiento de señales
Moderadores: Leandro Cymberknop y Pablo Musé
Jueves 5 de marzo, de 10:15 a 12:00 – La Fontana
Trabajos aceptados: 16

Presentaciones orales

Horario de presentaciónTituloAutores
10:15 – 10:30101Functional networks for processing complex images: Towards a better understanding of spatio-temporal dynamics of pleasant and unpleasant emotionsFernando Daniel Farfán, María Dolores Grima-Murcia, Vicente Caruana, María J Ortiz, M.A. Lopez-Gordo, Angela Bernabeu-Araoz, José M. Ferrandez and Eduardo Fernandez
10:33 – 10:4870Wavelets and SVM analysis applied to signals responsive to auditory and visual stimulus captured by EEG in students with ADHDMarilda Spindola, Rogério Gabriel and Marcello Chiaramonte
10:51 – 11:0673A preliminary study of the music and bioengineering: Towards the generation of melodies through synergistic patterns of the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearmPaula A Feldman, Milagros Pidutti, Álvaro G. Pizá, Myriam C. Herrera and Fernando D. Farfán
11:09 – 11:24113Neural network approach for detection of changes in arterial blood pressure using photoplethysmography signalsNoelia Inés Echeverria, Adriana Gabriela Scandurra, Gerardo Tusman, Estefany Gabriela Cujano Ayala and Lucía Isabel Passoni
11:27 – 11:42116Temporal and spectral characterization of EMG signals in a model of Parkinson’s disease in ratsAna L. Albarracin, Fernando D. Farfán, Pablo Y. Teruya, Alvaro G. Pizá, Jorge H. Soletta and Facundo A. Lucianna
11:45 – 12:0017Association Rules applied to the detection of the subthalamic nucleus for DBS surgery in patients with Parkinson’s diseaseMelisa Fernández, Marisa Battisti, Alfredo Rosado Muñoz and Luciano Schiaffino


24Wearable Technology: Wearable Device as a Nursing Support Decision MakingFernanda Diniz Flores, Marta Rosecler Bez, Blanda Helena De Mello and Claudio Felipe Kolling Da Rocha
32Driver fatigue EEG signals detection by using robust univariate analysisAntonio Quintero-Rincon, María Eugenia Fontecha and Carlos D’Giano
71Evaluación de estacionariedad en señales electromiográficas dinámicasGabriel Ruiz, Álvaro Pizá and Fernando Farfán
84Poincaré plot parameters analysis in studies of ultra short RR seriesJose Gallardo, Giannina Bellone, Daniel Vigo, Rubén Acevedo and Marcelo Risk
115Distinguishing between resting and anticipatory states in the EEG of healthy subjectsRoy Tzur, Michel Kohn and Marcelo David
118Improving Feature Selection in Riemannian Tangent Space: a New Approach for MI-BCI DetectionCatalina María Galván, Hugo Sacha Uriel Hernández, Ruben Darío Spies and Victoria Peterson
144Refractory Epilepsy Treatment Devices: a ReviewNatalia Garay Badenian, Franco Simini and Humberto Prinzo
152Adaptive neuro-fuzzy as a closed-loop model for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s diseaseGabriel Martín Bellino and Luciano Schiaffino
196Brainstem Electric Response Audiometry in a Normal PopulationNatalia Garay Badenian, María Sol Fassani, María De Los Ángeles Pagés, Jochen Hackembruch and Franco Simini
224Comparing Reading Formats based on Electroencephalographic (EEG) SignalsLuis Alberto Galarza Aguilar, Klever Mauricio Tepan Quilli and Ana Cecilia Villa Parra
Visits: 517