3D Analysis of Human Movement, Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Biomechanics

3DAHM 2024 is the most important international event on 3D Human Movement Analysis. For the first time in Latin America (Dec. 3-6 2024) and with
a focus on Tango studies as a local feature, 3DAHM 2024 will showcase the results of research on every aspect of Human Movement, which occurs in
3D space: inertial sensors, rehabilitation systems, equipment for sports and training, as well as 3D cinematics, models and clinical applications in a
broad sense but related to Human Movement. Start up companies producing equipment, devices or software for such analysis are specially invited.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.
A book by Springer is planned 2025, composed of invited chapters by authors of the best articles presented at 3DAHM2024

Due to requests from several busy authors around the globe, 3DAHM2024 has extended the deadline
for submission of 250 words abstracts to Sunday, August 18, 2024 

3DAHM Committee

President (2022-2024): Franco Simini, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Past president: Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Treasurer: Georgios Stylianides, Greece and USA
Member at large: Chris Baten University of Twente, The Netherlands
Member at large: Raphaël Dumas, Université Gustave Eiffel, France
Representative from industry: Emily Schaefer, Motion Analysis
Representative from industry: Kim Duffy, VICON.

Carlo Biancardi, Uruguay
Ariel Braidot, Argentina
Paola Cardenas, Colombia
Felipe Carpes, Brasil
Alberito Carvalho, Brasil
Heiliane Fontana, Brasil
Leonardo Lagos, Chile
Rony Silvestre, Chile
Leonardo Tartaruga, Brasil
Citlalli Trujillo, México
Ana Villa Parra, Ecuador
Rodrigo Zacca, Portugal
Darío Santos, coordinator
Franco Simini, coordinator

Latin American Scientific Committee

Important Dates

March 22-July 25 Abstracts submissions (250 words) at Easychair
August 30 Reviewers ́results sent to authors
September 13 Early-bird registration period ends
September 27 Corrected version of accepted papers and posters DEADLINE
October 30 Regular registration period ends
October 31 IEEE Xplore DEADLINE for publication (optional)
December 3-6 3DAHM 2024 Symposium takes place in Montevideo, Uruguay


3DAHM is called for the first time in Latin America and one speaker is invited from each continent: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.

Yumna Albertus

Associate Professor of the University
of Cape Town, South Africa. Director
of the Health in Physical Activity,
Lifestyle, and Sports Research Centre.
Walter Herzog

Professor at the University of Calgary
and Director of the Human
Performance Laboratory. Canada.

Rajani Mullerpatan

Researcher and Director of the
Institute of Health Sciences
of Mumbai, India.

Alberto E. Minetti

Distinguished Professor of Physiology,
University of Milano, Italy.

Marcus Pandy

Chair of Mechanical & Bio Engineering
Department, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Coming soon: Academic Challenges with Valuable Prizes!!

International Society of Biomechanics

3DAHM is a technical group of ISB